Compliant Channel STRESSTEC

The compliant channel is a way to extend our commitment with transparency and ethics.

This independent, confidential and impartial tool is available to our collaborators, partners, outsourced employees and companies, clients, among other stakeholders.

You can share with us denouncements about:

  • Fraud
  • Corruption
  • Money Laundering
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • HSE
  • Another conduct deviations

What are considered conduct deviations?

Undue acts, facts or omissions against the law or against the disposals of Code of Ethical Conduct and Compliance Program from STRESSTEC Management System that could be harmful to STRESSTEC internal and external environment, including collaborators, partners, among other stakeholders.

If your denounce is not into the scope described above and you want to relate any other issues, information request, complaints, solicitations, opinions, suggestions, consultations or recommendations, please access the Ombudsman-General Department link.

How to share your denouncement?

Please access the form and share your denouncement with us. Your IP address cannot be checked and identified by this platform under any hypothesis.

Good Governance Instruments:

Share your denouncement by the internet

Please fill the form fields as detailed and as complete as possible. Hence, it would be easier to prove the facts that are being denounced. Sharing proofs, evidences or indicatives of the conduct deviation also helps to the effectiveness of our proceedings.

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